Friday, September 5, 2008

peaches and corn and jam ,OH MY

So we just returned from a weekend at the farm. This time of year is so great. We went to the U-pick for peaches. 49'ers and some Rosa's that were too ripe (great for my BBQ sauce) then to the farm stand for corn. Man can Nory eat some corn and back to the blackberry bramble in the back yard for picking. Grandma likes hers without seeds, so I was at it with the food mill. what a weekend. We did miss out on fish this year but might have to go back for melons and more corn and oh, those raspberries are looking good too. I'll get some pics up as soon as we upload them. It sure is a treat to do it yourself. Saturday was a long day but worth it and sure does make the sleeping nice.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So I was thinking I should post some pics of stuff I have done.
Here's one. Me my friend Pascal and Issac making pizza, we even made the cheese. It was so much fun. I mean just look at Issac's face. Is he into it or what?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Things going on this week-- Well It's Carols birthday coming up. For those of you who know, I had a pretty cool stint at a wonderful little place in Ballard Called Dandelion. Carol Nockold was the chef /owner there. She passed away a bit ago of this disgusting disease called Lou Gherigs. She is and will always be one of my favorite people in the world. Every year we have a dandy feast to celebrate her life.
I also have The Incredible Feast this weekend, which is a little (600 people) gathering Tamara Murphy puts on. I will be representing Crave restaurant. Maybe next year I will represent Myself.
I can't imagine whats next.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

first day

Well lets try this thing out. I am breaking out and hopefully their will be some exciting news and events to report. I will be posting events, recipes and some stories here and there. til later.....